Exquisite in nature and elegantly classic in its design, our current jewellery crush, the Dubai-based, Tales of Gems, is giving us major #jewellerygoals. Founded by the talented Shaima Nasser, the topaz-based, fine jewellery brand has been winning accolades all over since its inception. Intrigued by the brand’s journey, we sat down with the designer herself to discuss all things jewellery.
The Journey
Shaima: I did have a deep interest in jewelry and gemstones since a very long time. I lived in Germany for about 6 years, a country where you can get so much inspiration from jewelry historians, gemstone cutters and goldsmiths. I’ve been a mom and a housewife for the last decade of my life, and in the last 3 years I finally thought of doing something which I’m really passionate about. It all started as a deep interest in the stones and jewels so I decided to take a couple of courses just out of interest where I studied, Diamond Grading, Gemstones Grading and jewelry design and immediately I fell in love. After that I started to travel and buy some stones, design for friends and family for about 2 years , the positive feedbacks and the requests I got made me thought of growing the business, and I’m so happy that I did.
The Many Sources of Inspiration
Shaima: The Gem stone: the gemstone itself is the hero of the story in the collections, where I buy a beautiful stone, then study it and try to emphasize its best charastarestics through trying different cuttings, combing other stones or using minerals such as gold.
Jewelry history: I believe to go through how jewelry designs have been created and how it evolved through out history is so inspiring that you want to combine both, Antiquity and modernism to make a new line of jewelry.
Fashion, clothing and jewelry , complementing one another to create the perfect look is just so inspiring
Nature: the biggest source of inspiration and art where all is existed from different patterns to use, color palettes to follow, exotic shapes to use.
A Usual Day in Team Tales of Gems’ Lives
Shaima: Enjoying sunset with the perfect weather on the beach.
The Insider Tip for Aspiring Designers
Shaima: Try to be different and introduce something you genuinely think is beautiful and valuable, and follow trends with preserving identity.
The Brand 5 Years From Now
Shaima: I do really hope that my brand can reach all women no matter of age, color, origin , so hopefully I see Tales expanding internationally wether in Asia, Europe, America or Australia.
Follow Tales of Gems: @talesofgems