With a line-up of on point wardrobe staples, Ninety Percent offers consumers the chance to make their purchase create an impact.
There are very few brands that instantly have us hooked and London-based premium womenswear brand, Ninety Percent, has done exactly that. Merging a dedication to ethical fashion with an unparalleled understanding of aesthetic and style, this is one contemporary luxury label that is changing the way we shop and perceive fashion.
With a line-up of on point wardrobe staples, Ninety Percent offers consumers the chance to make their purchase create an impact; 90% of the profit is distributed between an array of charitable causes and amongst those who help the collections come to life. This out-of-the-box and socially positive initiative comes at the right time, as more and more consumers would like to dedicate their time and purchases towards meaningful products.
Having been established early last year, this is one label you need in your wardrobe ASAP.
- Photo: Courtesy of Ninety Percent
- Photo: Courtesy of Ninety Percent
Follow Ninety Percent: @ninety_percent